Virtual Tour of the Racquetball Trophy Room extension at Elvis Presley's Graceland Mansion Estate

Step inside Graceland Mansion and follow in the same steps as Elvis himself as you enjoy an audio-guided tour featuring commentary and stories by Elvis and his daughter Lisa Marie. See where Elvis lived, relaxed and spent time with his friends and family. The Graceland Mansion tour includes Elvis’ living room, music room, parents’ bedroom, dining room, kitchen, TV room, pool room and the famous Jungle Room.

After touring the Mansion, check out the other great parts of the 14-acre estate as you tour Vernon Presley’s business office and Elvis’ racquetball building. Also part of the Mansion tour you’ll visit Elvis’ trophy building that houses an amazing collection of his gold and platinum records, as well as other great memorabilia from Elvis’ early career, his movies, his charitable endeavors and more.

The final stop on the tour of Graceland Mansion is Meditation Garden where Elvis and members of his family have been laid to rest.

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