The seat of the trouble

Let’s just say it wasn’t Jenny Maxwell’s day. It all started early, when scenes for “Blue Hawaii”, Hal Wallis production, called for Jenny to try to drown herself, be rescued by Elvis Presley, who then turns the tiny 19-year-old blonde over his knee and gives her a sound spanking.

For the long shots and close-ups, Jenny dunked herself thoroughly three times, was hauled out and spanked by Elvis, a total of four times.

“He had to spank hard to make it look good,” Jenny later conceded while rubbing the spanked area carefully, “but my skimpy costume was wet and there wasn’t much between Elvis and what he was spanking, and it stung like anything.”

Just then, Norman Taurog called: “Now, let us get Jenny dried off and on to her horse.”

For the next three hours Jenny, Elvis and Joan Blackman did scenes on horseback over rough terrain, and if Jenny hovered somewhat gingerly above her saddle, everyone understood.

Then, after the final shot for the day, a gust of wind toppled a heavy reflector standard which hit the back of Jenny’s foot. No bones were broken but the doctor who treated the painful bruise has prescribed a cane between scenes for several days.

“The cane helps my sore foot,” says ‘Hopalong’ Maxwell, “but it doesn’t do anything for the seat of my real trouble.”

Elvis Monthly June 1961

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