
A man's ablutions are ordinarily done in private, but not when it is Elvis Presley and he is to sing in a shower for a movie.

This makes it a production, as it was readily apparent on a sound stage at Paramount recently tenanted by Hal Wallis' "G.I. Blues," the picture puts ex-G.I. Elvis right back in his old outfit, the Third Armoured Division, and right back in West Germany where it conducts manoeuvres at the very fringe of the Iron Curtain.

The Army is the same and the setting is the same as Elvis experienced them in real life during two years' meritorious service abroad in the course of which he was made a sergeant, but the manoeuvres are different; now they are envelopment tactics largely concerning girls. A Miss Juliet Prowse, premiere danseuse at the plush Cafe Europa in Frankfort, is Elvis' main target. And Elvis has been busted to private.

Which is why we find Elvis about to take a shower in the company barracks; he is going to woo a girl.

There are three shower stalls set up and working. Elvis is not alone in his romantic pursuits. On one side of him is a buddy, Robert Ivers' on the other, their sergeant, Arch Johnson. Although the shower taps aren't yet turned on, steam is already rising from vents in the floor. A water-heater has been trundled into a position off-screen, and the plumbing works.

Elvis Monthly November 1960


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