BECAUSE OF LOVE (Elvis Presley & Billy Fury) on YouTube


Splice of Billy & Elvis' versions, wish they had really duetted together, that would of been very special indeed

Wow. This is so well done. If you close your eyes it is hard to say who singing what. They should have done a duet. I Love them both. In fact Billy went to the States to meet Elvis on the set of Girls Girls Girls, but because they were both very shy people they didn't get to know each other too much. What a shame. Similar personalities. So handsome as well. What a waste of talent to pass so young. Weird they were both 42 when they left us. Billy Fury was the greatest British Rocker. He was said to be Britain’s answer to Elvis. However, his early sexual and provocative stage performances received censure, and he was forced to tone them down.

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