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(Words and music by Bill Grant - Bernie Baum - Florence

She sells sea shells by the seashore
But I know a girl who sells so much more

Queenie Wahine's Papaya rates higher than pineapple,
pumpkin or poy
Please pick her papaya put Queenie Wahine in perfect
perpetual joy
'Though some people's palates prefer pickled salads
For pudding pick popcorn peach pie
Oh Queenie's papaya you'll truly desire
When that Queenie Wahine passes by

Queenie Wahine's Papaya rates higher than pineapple,
pumpkin or poy
Please pick her papaya put Queenie Wahine in perfect
perpetual joy
'Though some people's palates prefer pickled salads
For pudding pick popcorn peach pie
Oh Queenie's papaya you'll truly desire
When that Queenie Wahine passes by

Queenie Wahine's Papaya rates higher than pineapple,
pumpkin or poy
Please pick her papaya put Queenie Wahine in perfect
perpetual joy
'Though some people's palates prefer pickled salads
For pudding pick popcorn peach pie
Oh Queenie's papaya you'll truly desire
When that Queenie Wahine passes by

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